• Lying

    BPD and Lying

    Recently, I have had about 20% of the searches on this site involve someone trying to find out about lying. These searches included: “pathological liar”, “BPD and Lying”, “why does bpd lie?”, etc. It seems one on the most difficult things for the non to accept is BPs lying. Here is a note I posted on WTO some time ago about lying – I think it still applies. As for lying, I believe that all people lie (or are willing to lie) when the truth is too painful to be told – even if that feeling of pain is not based in reality. Do BPs lie more than other people?…

  • Borderline Personality Disorder,  Emotions

    Some Assumptions about BPD

    Main Assumption: BPD is an emotional disorder in which the sufferer experiences extremely intense emotions and has more trouble than “normal” people do returning to “baseline” (they have a long “refractory period”). Notice I didn’t say “moods” – it is not a mood disorder (like bipolar) because moods last a long time. Emotions are short lasting and can spur other emotions. Ever notice how your BP can swing from sadness to anger to shame to elation all in about an hour (or less)? If that is accepted then the next step is: what does one do about that? The best answer I can come up with is to use validation.…