• DBT,  Validation

    Validation and DBT

    Validation and DBT: Validation in DBT involves five different levels. This first two are similar to other psychotherapies and involve unbiased listening and observing, and eliciting and accurately reflecting the patient’s thoughts, feelings, and assumptions. The third step of validation is to articulate for the patient unverbalized emotions, thoughts, or behavior patterns. The idea is to accurately “read their minds” and help them learn to accurately label internal states. The fourth step is for the therapist to validate the person’s present behavior based on their past learning history. In other words, from the DBT perspective, any human given the same biological makeup and learning history would end up responding in…

  • DBT,  Mindfulness

    Buddha and DBT

    It is CBT, but focuses on schemas and deeply-entrenced “cognitions”. Unlike DBT, which focuses on emotions (mainly) and cognitive distortions, SFT takes a page from the personality people and tries to rebuild the schemas that make up the personality. DBT is usually not too concerned with “what you learned from your parents” more “what you think about things and how can we change that”. Now, with respect to a Jospeh Campbell thing – I could say quite a bit. What I’d like to say is this (hopefully briefly, because I’m busy today – I have read all the messages from yesterday and before and there seems to be a bunch…

  • Biology

    Hypersensitivty to Sensory Stimulation

    I recently saw a thread in which borderlines were discussing their “hypersensitivity” to certain sensory stimulation. If you know my story, you know that one of my daughters has dysfunctional emotional reactions. I like to think of that as pre-BPD. I hope that the actual onset of full BPD can be avoided. One of the things that has started happening with her more and more is she has developed a sensitivity to certain foods. She can’t eat certain foods and she finds certain smells offensive. The other day she found the milk smelled sour, even when it was not sour for everyone else in the family. I think this hypersensitivity…

  • DBT

    DBT promotes Half-smile – Why?

    Wise Mind – Taking Control of your Mind States of Mind Reason Mind This is your rational, thinking, logical mind It plans and evaluates things logically. It is your “cool” part. Reasonable Mind can be very beneficial. It is easier to be in Reasonable Mind when you feel good. It is much harder to be in Reasonable Mind when you don’t feel good. You Would Use Your Reasonable Mind To: Build a bridge Figure out how to double a recipe Balance your checkbook Figure out the fastest way from point “A” to point “B” Emotion Mind This describes times when your emotions are out of control — times when emotions…

  • Biology,  Shame

    Versions of Shame

    Versions of Shame Version A) they are just born that way. THEY are not even sure of what they are ashamed of. They carry around three core beliefs: “The world is dangerous and malevolent”, “I am powerless and vulnerable” and “I am inherently unacceptable.” But they don’t know WHY – they have just always been that way. The only reason that I can gather is that they have labile emotions and they lead to an unstable sense of self. That instability is what they are ashamed of (and scared anyone and everyone will know). It’s like a nightmare in which you’ve pissed your pants and you hope to god no…