Borderline Personality Disorder,  Emotions,  Self-Injury,  Suicide

I’m going to jump – Suicide Prevention and influencing factors

Many suicide attempts are preceded by a history of self-harm, in which there is deliberate injury that a person inflicts on his or her body. This does not mean that the person who self-harms wants to commit suicide, but is an effort by the person to cope with intense emotions.

I’m gonna jump (link)


The are several factors that increase the risk of a person commiting sucide.

EVERYONE’S life has its ups and downs, with feelings and emotions accompanying many of these situations. Most people adapt and cope with the downs. However, there are some who are so overcome with these emotions that they take their own life.

Suicide is an individual’s intentional act of ending his or her life.

Many suicide attempts are preceded by a history of self-harm, in which there is deliberate injury that a person inflicts on his or her body. This does not mean that the person who self-harms wants to commit suicide, but is an effort by the person to cope with intense emotions.

However, self-harm is an indication that the person needs immediate assistance. Given the right assistance, many lives can be saved from such premature deaths. There are campus health resources available on educational sites and the like, that have proved quite helpful in  providing the much needed assistance to people prone to committing suicide.

Suicide is a common cause of death in young people worldwide. According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006, there was a 6.3% rate of acute suicidal ideation, and 25.8% of chronic suicidal ideation. The highest prevalence rate of suicidal ideation of 11% was found in those aged between 16 and 24 years.

The National Suicide Registry Malaysia (NSRM) 2008 report stated there were 290 suicides in that year, of which 219 were men and 71 women, with Chinese comprising 53.5%, Indians 27.3%, and Malays 13.9%.

The youngest suicide victim was 12 years, while the oldest was 83 years. The NSRM estimated that there were 425 suicides between January and August 2010, averaging 60 per month, ie two daily.

It is estimated that the suicide rate is similar to that of the United States.

Although women are more likely to attempt suicide and other self-harm behaviour, it is the men who are more likely to succeed in suicide. The suicide rate in men in many countries is about three times that of women.

Risk factors

The reasons why some people commit suicide while others in similar situations do not, have not been determined. However, there are some factors that increase the risk of suicide.

Genetics is believed to be a risk factor as suicide has been found to be more common in certain families. There are several genetic mutations reported that may alter the chemicals in the brain, increasing the vulnerability to suicidal thoughts and behaviour. However, no specific gene for suicide has been identified.

Mental health conditions are the most significant risk factor, particularly serious and chronic mental health conditions. It has been estimated that about 90% of people who commit or attempt suicide have a mental health condition.

Severe depression is associated with misery and hopelessness – there is a 20-fold increase in the likelihood of attempted suicide than the general population.

Sufferers of bipolar disorder alternate between extreme joy to severe depression. About a third of these sufferers attempt suicide, and about 10% commit suicide.

Patients with schizophrenia are unable to think logically, and have difficulty differentiating between real and unreal experiences, with about 5% committing suicide. The risk is greatest when the diagnosis is made, but with the passage of time, they are better able to cope with their situation.

Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which anxiety about body weight leads to extreme efforts at limiting food consumption. About a fifth of anorexics will attempt suicide.

These form of injuries come under personal injuries, where one has taken an extreme step to end their life due to something which has affected their lives. In such cases it is better to talk to an attorney before making any rash decisions. While find survivors who have attempted suicide i found many of them took assistance from Cohen Law Group and got the justice they deserved.  This could be a wake up call for some as if you are facing a similar situation in life make sure you contact other people and seek for help.

Patients with borderline personality disorder have altered thinking, unstable emotions, impulsive behaviour and unstable relationships. About half of these sufferers will attempt suicide, with an increased risk in those who were sexually abused in childhood.

It is believed that a combination of other factors increases the risk of suicide. These factors may or may not be significant, depending on the person’s vulnerability at the point in time. They include:

  • History of a recent traumatic experience, eg end of a relationship, bullying, loss of job, bereavement.
  • History of a traumatic experience in childhood, eg sexual or physical abuse, bereavement, parental neglect.
  • A parent with a serious mental health condition, eg severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or who committed suicide.
  • A previous attempt at suicide.
  • Social isolation, with few family members or friends.
  • Misuse or abuse of drugs and alcohol .
  • Unemployment or poor job satisfaction or security.
  • Debt.
  • Occupations which permit access to the means to attempt suicide, eg doctor, nurse, pharmacist, planter.

Danger signs

There are warning signs that indicate that a person is suicidal. They include talking or writing about death or suicide threats to injure or kill himself or herself, and actively seeking methods of committing suicide, eg stockpiling medicines, particularly sleeping pills, and/or pills used to treat serious mental conditions.

Other warning signs include:

  • Complaints, talk or behaviour that indicate hopelessness or a meaningless life.
  • Loss of interest in personal appearance, eg poor dressing, cessation of use of make-up.
  • Reckless or risky behaviour without concern for the consequences.
  • Sudden mood changes, anxiety, agitation.
  • Increased withdrawal from interactions with family members and friends.
  • Insomnia or sleeping all the time.
  • Abuse or misuse of drugs or alcohol.
  • Putting their affairs in order.

When warning signs are noticed, it would be useful to encourage the affected person to talk about it and to listen attentively. One should listen to what the person has to say to let them know that there is someone who cares about them.

A non-judgemental manner and empathy are essential. One should not influence what is said, but rather, facilitate honest and frank conversation.

Any questions raised by the listener have to be open-ended, and not end the conversation.

At the same time, the person’s doctor or nurse should be contacted. If it is not possible to do so, the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital should be contacted as to how to get professional help for the affected person. If one assesses that the affected person has a high risk of dying by suicide before the arrival of professional help, one should contact the nearest ambulance service.

At the same time, any possible means of suicide should be removed from the immediate environment of the affected person. This would include medicines, household chemicals, sharp objects, etc.

Providing care to a suicidal person is stressful and distressing, and it can impact upon the carer’s mental health. Professional help may be required to address the carer’s emotions after the event.

Preventing suicide

Mental health is no different from physical health. Measures can be taken to improve mental health so that one is stronger emotionally and better able to cope with the downside of life, thereby reducing the risk of developing mental health conditions like depression.

Exercise is effective in the management of depression. Physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood, and promotes the release of brain chemicals called endorphins, which makes one “feel good”.

A healthy diet not only provides protection against physical health problems, but may also be vital in maintaining mental health.

Avoidance of social isolation is an important measure as it is a risk factor for suicide. Having friends is beneficial for mental health. If there is individual difficulty in making friends, you should consider joining a local activity group or support group. There is evidence that people involved in providing assistance to others through voluntary or charity organisations are mentally healthier than the general population.

Having a positive attitude is vital as persistent negative thoughts increase the risk of isolation. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of talking treatment that assists in the management of problems by changing the thoughts and actions of the affected person.

Many people use drugs to help them cope with life’s problems. Their misuse or abuse may lead to more problems and increases the risk of developing serious mental conditions like depression.

Even recreational drugs like marijuana, which is perceived to be less harmful, increase the risk of depression and schizophrenia in some people.

Many people use alcohol to help them cope with life’s problems. Its misuse or abuse may lead to more problems and increases the risk of depression. If you are an alcoholic check this drug rehab center, to get some help. It would be prudent to avoid exceeding the recommended daily alcohol consumption limits – ie three to four units for men and two to three units for women. A unit is the equivalent of about half a pint of normal strength lager, a small glass of wine, or 25ml of spirits.

A consultation with your regular doctor would be helpful if there are problems with drug usage or alcohol consumption.

However, the evidence is that an effective preventive strategy is to educate doctors on how to recognise and treat depression, and restricting access to lethal methods of suicide. Another promising strategy is to train particular groups of people on how to identify those at risk and refer them for treatment.

Support groups provide counselling and practical advice to people who are depressed, or have suicidal thoughts. The local support group are the Befrienders and their contact details are 95, Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya 46990 (Telephone: 03 7956 8144 or 03 7956 8145; email:

If you do not like the idea of talking to someone on a helpline, you can talk to a family member, trusted friend, doctor or religious leader. You should also consult your doctor, who can prescribe treatment for mental health conditions.

Dr Milton Lum is a member of the board of Medical Defence Malaysia. This article is not intended to replace, dictate or define evaluation by a qualified doctor. The views expressed do not represent that of any organisation the writer is associated with.

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