Borderline Personality Disorder,  Celebrities,  Suicide

Follow up upon reading the Mary Kennedy article in full

At the bottom of the Mary Kennedy article, the one which analyzes the divorce court papers filed by Bobby Kennedy, Jr., there is a statement from Mary Richardson Kennedy’s family. It reads:

“Mary’s unconditional love for her children and unwavering support of so many people she held close to her heart are the lasting legacies of her life. Our hearts are breaking for what her children continue to witness. We hoped Mary could rest in peace.

The scurrilous affidavit, which is the entire basis for the Newsweek article, was written by Bobby Kennedy as part of a contentious custody battle and was nothing more than a brutal psychological weapon in the divorce case. The affidavit, which Mary repudiated at the time, is full of vindictive lies. This latest piling on is proof perfect of the unbelievable emotional and psychological abuse that Mary endured during the last years of her life, and now in death. The false claim that Mary suffered from BPD is also an insult to those who do struggle with this serious mental illness.

Right now, our primary concern is for Mary’s children. There will be a time and a place for the true facts to come out.”

After reading the article, if half of what they say about her behavior is true, I suspect she probably did meet the criteria for having BPD. I mean, the article quotes Dr. John Gunderson! I bolded the text above to make a greater point. I know there are legal proceedings and custody battles and all of that, yet, in my opinion, if Mary Richardson Kennedy did have BPD, it is an insult to those who struggle with this serious mental illness NOT to admit she had it. Can you image how much good it would do for diagnosis, treatment and suicide prevention? If she did have BPD, the family should say: “Bobby Kennedy is not a good man and he failed to support our [family member] struggling with a serious mental illness that ultimately took her life.” That would really help. Instead, they stigmatize the sufferers even more by appearing that it’s not OK to have BPD.

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